
Does Kranse SAT® prep work?

April 08, 2016, 07:40 PM

Does Kranse SAT<sup>®</sup> prep work?

Millions of high school students take the SAT® every year, hoping to achieve a high enough score to get into their top college choices. But how can you prep well enough for the SAT® to ensure a high score? Kranse Institute has the answer. Their proprietary SAT® prep course, designed by a perfect score student, has a money-back guarantee that you will improve your score. With an average score increase of 368 points -- the highest score improvement in the industry -- a student who takes Kranse Institute’s SAT® prep attain a dramatic score increase that get them on their way to the most competitive universities and a lifetime of opportunities.

 Thousands of satisfied college-bound students with exceptional SAT® scores are proof. And Kranse Institute backs up its prep course by giving test takers a money-back guarantee. If you don’t raise your score, you get your money back. It’s that simple.

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